Rare could use Natal to bring back classic IP

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Remember the good ol’ days of Rare? If you do, and you’re one of those who think the British studio has gone off the rails a bit, then you might be glad to know that Rare is investigating some of its most classic IP for use with Natal, with one mysterious title which Rare believes would be perfect.

“Natal as well gives us an opportunity to maybe at some point in the future investigate some of those older IPs. I won’t name names,” explains design director George Andreas. “One in particular actually I think we can do an absolutely phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal version on with Natal. The interface, the way you interact with it – I think it would be an absolutely world-beating product. But we need to explore a little bit more in that direction.

“Yes, there are IP that we have looked at and are looking at and will be looking at in the future as well. So, never say never. Nothing is dead in the water. There is always scope to bring something back if we feel it’s the right time.”

Andreas would not elaborate on what the mysterious game was, but it’s quite obvious that Killer Instinct III was definitely just confirmed. As for the rest of what he said … I’ll take the old games for sure, but they can leave out the Natal bit.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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