Undead Knights says: Zombies are your bitches!

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I could single out any one element of Undead Knights. I could talk about zombies putting their heads in cannons, then walking with the cannons on their heads, then hitting a door with the cannons so that the door, and themselves, blow up. I could talk about zombies that stand on each others’ shoulders, then fall across a chasm to create a rotting, undead bridge.

I could talk about zombies climbing a catapult, then knocking the catapult on its side with their weight so that the catapult flings them across the ground and knocks a door open. I could talk about zombies spinning other zombies around and then flinging them head-first into the mouths of hungry, cancerous growths. 

I could talk about all those elements, but instead I’m just going to tell you to hit the jump and watch three of the most ludicrous gameplay trailers you’ll ever see. This game is coming soon on the PSP, and I cannot wait.


About The Author
James Stephanie Sterling
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