Why hasn’t EA DICE released DLC for Battlefield 1943? In a conversation with Joystiq at PAX ’09, game producer Gordon Van Dyke pegged the studios’ focus on Battlefield 3 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 as the culprits. Van Dyke made it said the studio is considering the quality of those two titles instead of BF1943 DLC quantity.
“We don’t have any immediate plans right now, but it’s not ruled out,” said Van Dyke. “There’s a lot of pressure on the team for Battlefield 3 and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 … we don’t want to stretch things too thin and make something that’s not up to quality.”
“Battlefield 1942 [Ed. Note: we assume he meant “1943”] is a huge game with a lot that we can pull from. We just want to make sure we keep our options open, and make sure that the decision we land on is what’s best for everyone. We don’t want to be that company that pushes out DLC just for DLC’s sake,” he said.
We’re floored — and we’re guessing you might be, too — that DICE hasn’t capitalized on the massive success of its downloadable title yet, but if the studio plans to take this approach, we’re more than happy to wait. Strong DLC is always better than the rushed need-to-capitalize-right-now-here’s-a-map-pack stuff we see so often. Take your time, guys.
Published: Sep 9, 2009 09:40 am