Hey Ash, Whatcha Podcastin’: episode one

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Two Burch siblings. One crappy microphone. Sixty minutes of rambling, oft-incoherent musings on sexism and gaming. Welcome to the official podcast from the creators and stars of Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin‘.

This being the first-ever episode of the Hey Ash, Whatcha Podcast (alternate titles: Hey Ash, Whatcha Podcastin’, the HAWPcast, etc), two things are for certain: firstly, that it will be much more awkwardly structured than later episodes, and secondly, that the existence of later episodes isn’t really a certainty.

The show’s future is pretty much entirely dependent on whether you lot enjoy it or not. Apologies for the horrendous audio and shaky iTunes availability, and all that — we’ll work out the kinks soon enough.

About The Author
Anthony Burch
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