So, this is what I do with my life now. I find screenshots of videogames and sexy people, put them together, then post them on the internet.
Why do I do this? Well, the technical reasons are still there (I didn’t want to these screens to auto-stretch too much, so they all needed borders of some kind) but I think it may be a bit deeper than that. Perhaps it has something to do with a deep subconscious desire to be accepted, or less-than-subtle interest in making people horny. Regardless, this stuff seemed to go over well last time, so I guess I’ll go at it again.
As you gaze upon these “enhanced” screenshots, please keep in mind the sacrifice that I am making for you. Thanks to posts like these, I will never be able to run for any elected office in the United States. All it takes now is a quick Google search for “Jonathan Holmes” and “sex” to reveal to the voting public excatly how I spent my early 30’s; spreading the gospel about boobs, butts, and videogames.
You’re welcome.
Published: Oct 24, 2009 11:00 pm