HAWPcast: A bunch of stories you can’t relate to

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Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin’ is a surreal comedy series made by Anthony and Ashly Burch. They do a weekly podcast about the show, and everything else that comes to mind.

God help the stream-of-consciousness style of these podcasts. A good portion of this week’s episode will mean absolutely nothing to you, as you are (A) not, as far as I can tell, either Ashly or myself and (B) probably not intimately familiar with our friends. 

Still, there’s some decent stuff in there. Bits about almost getting beaten up, and some good discussion about the Star Wars trilogy.

As always, you can listen to the show here or subscribe to us on iTunes. And hit the jump for a (very short) linkdump of the things we discuss on the podcast.






About The Author
Anthony Burch
More Stories by Anthony Burch