Fan translation of Phantom Hourglass manga is done

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Zelda fans it’s time to put down Spirit Tracks for a couple of seconds and get some reading done. The manga based on The Legend of Zelda: The Phantom Hourglass has finally been fully translated and can be read at your leisure by going here. I’m sure you have lots of free time right now to read through it because you aren’t playing games you got for Christmas.

The manga follows the exact same plot as the game, except it is shortened down a bit. In my opinion the artwork is less impressive than the game’s, and if you’re getting less story with weaker artwork I’m not really sure I see the point of this. We should all thank BerriBlue for the translation though, and once you tear through all your holiday gaming gifts this could be a great way to kill some time.

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourlgass manga – fan translation complete [GoNintendo]

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Matthew Razak
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