Here’s Ninja Gaiden’s Ryu in DW: Strikeforce

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Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce is coming to the Xbox 360 and PS3, and that doesn’t mean much to a lot of you because Dynasty Warriors games are just one long endless stream of same thing. Except of course, this one will have online play, which is awesome. 

We’ve got a new trailer and some gameplay footage after the jump. In addition, we have some screens showing the special exclusive characters. The Xbox 360 version has an old DW character nobody cares about, while the PS3 gets Ryu from Ninja Gaiden

Four-player online co-op, giant tiger bosses, and more Lu Bu than you’ll know what to do with means that the console version of Strikeforce should be pretty badass. The PSP version had loads of potential, but the restriction of local co-op was a bad idea. The online mode should make this one of the best Dynasty Warriors game ever, and you can lick my perineum if you don’t agree.

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James Stephanie Sterling
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