CES 2010: Razer showing motion tech with Left 4 Dead 2

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PC peripheral and hardware manufacturer Razer is interested in bringing motion-tracking technology to the PC. And they’re doing it with the help of SIXENSE Entertainment and Half-Life developer Valve.

In an official release blasted this morning, Razer unveiled its plan to bring a motion-tracking and gesture controller to the personal computer with the help of SIXENSE, a California-based company with a commitment to motion-based tech.

Also announced were Razer’s plans to show off a prototype of the controller with Valve’s Left 4 Dead 2 on the CES show floor during the week.

“With this controller, Razer and Sixense have created the most immersive way to play our games,” Valve’s Chet Faliszek may or may not have said. “For us and for our customers, this release represents motion-enabled gaming that’s more integrated and visceral than any platform has so far achieved.

Apparently more than one of Razer’s motion-tracking thing will launch in later 2010.

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Brad BradNicholson
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