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Just Cause 2 takes the charts this week. I haven’t played it yet, and I’ve heard mixed things. What do you lot think? Good or bad? 

SoulSilver is apparently more popular than HeartGold, to the point where the former is actually two slots above the latter. Pokemon‘s Silver remake is in the second slot, with Bad Company 2 separating it from Gold

God of War III slipped from first place to seventh, while Final Fantasy XIII now resides at number eight instead of three. The most notable thing, however, is the lack of Lego Batman. Out of all the games, it’s Lego Batman that has jumped out at me week after week. I don’t think it ever hit the top ten since I started doing these charts, but it’s always hovered around the 17 – 20 region, like a bad smell. 

Every week I’d see Lego Batman: The Videogame and refuse to add the subtitle because calling it “The Videogame” was frigging stupid. Now, for one week only, I am free of Lego Batman‘s clutches. Yes sir, today is going to be a good day. Hit the jump for the full, Batman-free chart.

  1. Just Cause 2
  2. Pokemon SoulSilver
  3. Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  4. Pokemon HeartGold
  5. Just Dance
  6. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
  7. God of War III
  8. Final Fantasy XIII
  9. Wii Sports Resort
  10. Wii Fit Plus
  11. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
  12. FIFA 10
  13. Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
  14. Metro 2033
  15. Heavy Rain
  16. Aliens vs. Predator
  17. Prison Break: The Conspiracy
  18. Some Ben 10 Shit
  19. Mario Kart Wii
  20. Assassin’s Creed II


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James Stephanie Sterling
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