[Sundays with Sagat is a video series where a man named Sagat talks to you about videogames. This is serious business.]
Welcome to the premiere episode of Sundays with Sagat, a new Destructoid-exclusive video series.
This week, Sagat takes on the age old question; “what’s a videogame?” I’m told that this is a subject that Sagat has had to address many times. Most of his family back in Thailand has never played a videogame before, so when Sagat tries to explain to them what he’s doing for work these days, he pretty much has to start from scratch.
You can tell that Sagat is a little sick of the whole “are videogames art?” debate, though he certainly isn’t at a loss for thoughts on the subject. I’d go as far as to say that the topic brought out a religious fervor in the man, to the point where he sounded like a ranting reverend at times. Though he trips on his words once or twice, he insisted on shooting this whole thing in one take. Then he muttered something about how “last bosses don’t get second chances.” What a prideful man. I wish he’d see that there is no shame in accepting a little help. Some laser surgery on that scar wouldn’t be a bad idea either, or at the very least, he could look into getting a glass eye. I’m pretty sure that they’re covered by most insurance plans these days.
Then again, we’re talking about a guy who isn’t willing to wear a shirt, even while in close proximity to a nuclear explosion, so talking to him about “self care” and “appearances” probably won’t get me very far.