Front Mission Evolved dated for September in Japan

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…and that means we’re probably also getting our version in September as Square Enix planned for this game to have a simultaneous worldwide release.

If you go to the Japanese webpage for Front Mission Evolved you’ll see that they’ve announced release dates and prices for the next chapter in the FM series. The date is September 16th, and the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions are set at 8,190 yen ($91 dollars), while the Windows version is set to “open” pricing.

If you go to the US page, you’ll see nothing in the way of a release date. You see, they like to hold things like release dates for special events, like, say, E3. Silly, I know.

We interviewed Square Enix producer Shinji Hashimoto on the changes to the Front Mission series in Evolved. You can check that out here.

Front Mission Evolved Arrives in September [Andria Sang]

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Dale North
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