Print is dead? So they say, but I’m not buying it. What I will be buying, however, is an issue of GameFan if my local stores aren’t too ignorant to not stock it. GameFan is what used to be Play, a magazine devoted far more to the hardcore gamer than your usual pen-and-paper rag. Of course, that meant it went under, because nobody likes quality.
However, it has returned, and taken the name of another classic dead mag, GameFan. Usually we don’t promote other outlets just for the sake of it, but this magazine has already impressed our Destructoid community, and the latest issue has Sin & Punishment 2 as its cover story, which is pretty reliable evidence that GameFan has potential. Besides, what kind of arseholes would we be if we didn’t give some support to a fledgling magazine?
If you’re not sold, there’s a preview of the latest issue on its site, including a Mario Galaxy 2 review and an entire section devoted to Indie games. It looks pretty damn rad, and I’m definitely picking it up if I see it.
At least make sure you check it out, as it’s always nice to see a good magazine on the stands.