Deus Ex: The Icarus Effect novel set for 2011 release

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Square Enix and Del Rey Boks have announced that it will publish Deus Ex: The Icarus Effect in 2011.

The book will be based on and in the world of the upcoming title, Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The Icarus Effect will follow Secret Service agent Anna Kelso and special-ops soldier Ben Saxon as they unravel conspiracies in the game’s cyberpunk totalitarian society.

The book’s author, the British writer James Swallow, has previously worked on novels based in the Stargate, Star Trek, and Warhammer 40,000 universes. Swallow is also credited for having a hand in authoring Guerilla’s Killzone 2.

It seems that every high-profile game these days has a novel (or comic book) attached to it. I’ve never actually cracked open a novel based on a videogame property, despite having one based on the Gears of War universe lying around my house. (I also bought a novelization of Defender, only because, uh, seriously?) Anyone actively seek out these extracurricular game novels, and do you have any recommendations?

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Nick Chester
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