Game SERIES Debate to the Death! Persona series

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Last week was a nostalgia nightmare for many readers, as we were tasked with the challenge of picking which EarthBound (Mother) game was our favorite out of the series. Some were completely on board with the newer Mother 3, while some stood by the EarthBound game they grew up with, but most were torn over the choices and forced to weigh the pros and cons before making a careful decision. That’s always the sign of a good debate! In the end, after much fist-shaking at Nintendo, here were the results:

  • Mother 3 — (44 votes) — Winner!
  • EarthBound (Mother 2) — (32 votes)
  • Mother (EarthBound Zero) — (7 votes)

This week we have another series that never received much marketing, but still went on to snowball and stand tall with a tidal wave of fan support around the globe. Out of all the Shin Megami Tensei: Persona games in the series, which is the best, and why? What sets your pick apart from the other games? Sell me on the idea! Get me and others stoked to see it compete in the RPG tournament! Give it some serious thought, share your reasoning with all of us, and then check back next week to see how your game did!

Bonus Question: What’s one thing you didn’t like about the game you voted for?

About The Author
Tom Fronczak
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