So we knew that M.A.G. would be getting move support, and an easy to develop assumption from that fact is that people playing with Move would be at an advantage over those playing with a DualShock. The precision (or lack thereof depending on how it all pans out) of Move would give players using it an unfair advantage (or an unfair disadvantage) over those who were not. It perplexed us a bit, and when we’re perplexed we ask questions. We shot the guys behind M.A.G. a question asking whether Move and DualShock players would be playing against each other and if so whether this would cause some balance issues.
Surprisingly, we got an answer this time — possibly because we weren’t asking about boobs for once. The answer, as related to us by M.A.G. rep Jennifer Clark, is, “Move players can play with DS3 owners. It’s really up to the consumers how they want to play, each have their own advantages and disadvantages. It’s how you prefer to play and makes it all that more fun.”
Sorry, I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth from all the PR spin going on there. I guess we’ll have to wait for Move to launch in order to know how Move support will really affect the game.