NPD: Only 6% of consumers downloaded DLC

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I f*cking hate DLC. Always have. Never taken part in it. I feel like they should put sh*t in the game if they had the idea for it while they were still making it. Got a good idea after release? Save it for the inevitable sequel. Screw off with nickel-and-diming us with stupid character and level downloads. I don’t want it, and I’m glad to hear that no one else does either.

According to the NPD group 75 percent of U.S. consumers did not download DLC in the past three months. Beyond that, only 6 percent downloaded DLC to a console, with the rest being divided up between PC/Mac, phones and other devices.

Their report, called The Connected Experience: Building a Bridge Between Devices & Content, says that people are downloading stuff, but it’s not add-on game content. We’re all about movies, music, video and apps. Give me that stuff all day. Give me new games to download, not add-ons to existing ones.

The NPD calls DLC a large and untapped market. I call it insulting to the people that dropped $60 for a full game experience. Very few times have I seen DLC that was appreciated and accepted. The rest is just a shameless money grab, and I hope these numbers get through to some game makers.

NPD: DLC on Consoles Downloaded by Just 6% of Consumers [IndustryGamers]

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Dale North
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