[This is one of the only times an image of adorable animals is actually relevant to the post so I’ll be damned if I don’t use it. Video is after the jump.]
I am almost positive that the EyePet is the least exciting thing having to do with PlayStation Move. Jim already said it was only alright without Move and it just doesn’t look like the Move controls ad much. However, Kevin Butler can sell me anything he wants and then some. If he was selling poop in a flaming bag I’d at least consider getting that flaming bag of poop simply because he said it was worth my time.
I’m still not getting EyePet even though Kevin Butler advertised it to me in the video above, but at least he did another stellar job. It also makes me wish there was a movie about Kevin Butler and his labradoodle in which the dog has to fly a plane and Kevin Butler has to be funny.
Published: Oct 9, 2010 07:00 pm