LEGO Rock Band launch trailer is badical

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Yes, I know “badical” isn’t technically a word, but that’s the term Nick Chester used to describe the opening cinematic to LEGO Rock Band, and I couldn’t think of a more appropriate or accurate word. So there you have it: badical.

There’s a cute little LEGO band rocking out to “Grace” by Supergrass, which implores you to “save your money for the children” — a subliminal buy this for your kids for Christmas message to parents, perhaps? In any case, you can follow the band as they traverse a number of the game’s outlandish venues in a variety of vehicles, including a pirate ship and a jet. There’s even a goddamn dinosaur from the LEGO City History Museum to spice up the proceedings, and as you all know, dinosaurs make everything better.

You can buy LEGO Rock Band for your kids — or yourself, if you’re just interested in exporting the game’s 45 songs to your hard drive for use in Rock Band 2 — on November 3rd in North America, and November 27th in the UK, for $49.99 on PS3, 360, and Wii ($29.99 on DS). (The export — available on PS3 and 360 only — will cost you an additional $9.99.) Hit up my preview of the game here!

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Samit Sarkar
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