Happy Monday, Destructoid viewers!
If you tuned in for yesterday’s live stream, then you know by now that we reached our goal of $5,000 for our CharityWater campaign! My heart is still beaming from yesterday’s accomplishments. Then again, that could be the 4Loko. This morning was painful, let me put it that way.
Bad decisions notwithstanding, we can’t thank you all enough for tuning in to the stream and donating money. We appreciate it more than you know.
So in light of yesterday’s achievements, Max and I will be hosting Hangovertoid today, in which we horrifyingly recall the events of yesterday’s live stream. We also chat a little bit about Dead Space 2‘s Hard Core mode and the possibility for a new Dead Space movie. Max also gushes over the new Awakened game, while I dish the dirt on The Blocks Cometh‘s newest playable character! (Hint: It starts with ‘Mr.’ and ends with ‘Destructoid’.) I also take advantage of the slow news day by talking about all the cool new stuff that’s been happening on our Minecraft server lately.
PS – If you donated more than $20 to our CharityWater campaign, then Max would like to send you a drawing of your username as a token of appreciation. Just send your username and mailing address to max@destructoid.com for a bevy of nude pictures.