Killzone NGP developed by Cambridge Studio

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SCE Cambridge Studio, the team behind Medievil and LittleBigPlanet PSP, are working on the portable version of Killzone. The shooter is heading to Sony’s “Next Generation Portable” and is in “good hands”, according to Guerrilla Games. 

“Our sister studio in Cambridge is doing that,” revealed Killzone producer Steven ter Heide. “We’ve been working with them very closely for a couple of years now. They’ve been helping us develop actual Killzone content for all the games.

“We feel like the game is in good hands. We’ll still oversee it because the universe is something we’ve built up, we know the war and the rules that have been established, but they’re driving the development.”

Cambridge is generally pretty damn good at what it does, so this should be a fun ride. Oh, and why not read our Killzone 3 review while you’re here?

Sony Cambridge developing Killzone NGP, not Guerrilla [Gamerzines]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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