What…what country am I in again?
Imagine my surprise. I’m waiting in line at a Yodobashi game store in Shinjuku, Tokyo to purchase my copy of Atlus’ latest release, Catherine, for PS3. Out of nowhere, a store attendant jumps in front of me in line, excuses himself, and removes the stand-in empty boxes for the PS3 version of Two Worlds II. Then he goes to the store pricing display signage and places a “sold out” sticker over the signage for the PS3 version of Two Worlds II.
I remember seeing a guy in front of me pick up a box for TWII and thought it was strange that he was the lone western game buyer in a line of a bunch of people with either Catherine or Marvel vs. Capcom 3 in hand. It seems he wasn’t alone, though. What is going on here?
I’m sure this was just an isolated event, but it was still surprising. I know where my dollars went today, though. That’s not to say that Two Worlds II is a bad game.
Also, LOLOL at the store’s mispronunciation of company name Ubisoft. It’s YOU-be-soft. The store has it where it reads U-B-I-soft.