Rumor: Valve won’t release a new Half-Life in 2010

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Fans of Half-Life 2 have been waiting forever for another scrap of Half-Life — the anticipated third downloadable episode or otherwise. And if a rumor holds true, it looks like the wait will extend yet another year.

In the rumors section of the February issue of Game Informer, its said that “Loose Talk has learned that there won’t be any game from the franchise in 2010, and what will finally come out is still unknown.”

Right. Rabbits eat lettuce. Cats bury their poop. And dogs eat their own poop.

It’s possible that Valve is just testing us: the studio won’t release the third downloadable episode until we prove that we really really want it. Kind of like “Saw,” minus the whole bear trap facemask thing. We’re considering contacting Nolan North for confirmation of this rumor, because if there’s a game in 2010, dude’s going to be in it. We’ll let you know when we know.

Rumor: No New Half-Life in 2010 [Shacknews] [image cred]

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Brad BradNicholson
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