Hey dudes. We’re back, and this time… We have a show. Another one. I mean, a new episode. Um.
Today, we talk about how Wii game development has been back-burnered in favor of Pokemon and Zelda, AKA my favorite video games, high five. Then, happiness is a Warm Gun, since wacky sci-fi old west shooters make everyone happy. Activision is making Dance Hero and a couple of Hollywood dudes are making a new Tomb Raider movie.
Also, say what I might about Epic Games, I can’t deny that the new Unreal 3 engine looks totally epic. Microsoft is making more “core” Kinect games, which is vaguely interesting, and DrunkNES — a game where you get drunk and blow into a NES cartridge — is the most amazing thing ever made by humans. We want one.
Spoiler Alert: I still have not shaved my attempted beard in this episode.