Interview stamps out Mother 4 dreams… again

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Japanese men’s magazine Brutus recently posted a four-page interview with Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata and Mother (EarthBound) series creator Shigesato Itoi. The discussion touches upon the various emotions and themes that permeate the Mother games as well as the appreciation fans have for the series. It’s a meeting of minds brought together by a single topic: a potential Mother 4.

No, it’s still not happening. Way to dangle a juicy tenderloin in front of our noses, guys!

In all seriousness, you ought to give the full article, which EarthBound Central has generously translated, a read. It’s entertaining even if just for Itoi’s wild, meandering stream of consciousness. The article also features some spiffy pixel art starring adorable sprites of Iwata and Itoi, viewable in the gallery below.

Regarding a bit appears near the end, Itoi mentions that though he wouldn’t make another Mother, he wouldn’t mind playing a sequel helmed by someone else. It just so happens

Shigesato Itoi Discusses MOTHER 4 [EarthBound Central]

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Tony Ponce
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