Miyamoto: 2010 a good year for ‘hardcore’ Wii owners

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If you’re not yet sick of the “hardcore/casual” distinction, here’s Nintendo legend and funky rascal Shigeru Miyamoto, boasting that 2010 is a great year for hardcore Wii fans. Hyping the mysterious new Legend of Zelda game, alongside titles like Super Mario Galaxy 2, the impish developer believes that there’s plenty for waggle fans to be please about. 

“This year’s going to be really great for the hardcore Nintendo player, especially with Super Mario Galaxy 2,” beams Miyamoto. “It’s action-packed software and when I say action-packed software, it’s not just going to show you [pre-set] action movements in the 3D format. Rather, this is action-packed software that you can manipulate with your own will and your own control.

“I really want many households to be able to have a hands-on experience of Mario Galaxy 2. [Elsewhere] I didn’t have any involvement in Metroid Other M, but it is on its way. And also we are working on the New Legend Of Zelda for Wii. So from this year to the next, I hope that the hardcore-type gamers are really looking forward to the multiple Nintendo titles on Wii. And also, we are working on the [new] Pikmin.”

That’s quite a lot. Throw in some promising third party stuff like The Last Story, Arc Rise Fantasia, The Conduit 2 and Flip’s Twisted World, and we really do have a stellar lineup. I’ll be the first to admit that for a long time, the Wii held no interest for me. That’s really changed in 2010, and some of this year’s Wii games might be more exciting to me than anything on the PS3 and 360 right now. 

Miyamoto: 2010 is ‘great year’ for hardcore Nintendo fans [CVG]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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