New Destructoid Episode: Infinite Metal Monster RISING!

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Oh, it’s you. Welcome to The Destructoid Show episode whatever. I’m really tired and I hate Mondays. Sometimes I surprise myself with how much I sound like a cartoon bear.

Anyway, first up on this evening’s program is PSN news. My god, does it ever end? Fortunately, there’s a new Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Version (say that three times fast) game coming to PS3 and some Metal Gear Solid: RISING news to help ease the pain. That, and our darling correspondent Nick Chester wrote a preview for BioShock: Infinite. It’s awesome and he is awesome and the game is awesome and you should read the preview.

Also, behold the glory that is our two L.A. Noire review videos sent into us by viewers. Whomever can decipher the second one deserves a f*cking medal of honor.

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