BritToid Ep 11: Keep calm and plug the flow

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While this may only be the 11th official BritToid podcast, it is actually our one year anniversary and it has definitely been an interesting adventure. When I started working for Destructoid I always said I wanted to be on a podcast and eventually I just decided to start my own. Like a phoenix (or ‘Pheonix’ if you get the joke) we rose from the ashes of the long since departed Podcastle, and thus BritToid was born — all thanks to the help and support of my cast who are all Destructoid community members. 

While I could go into a lengthy discussion of what happens on this episode I’d rather you just listen. However, I am rather proud of myself as I do manage to derail a conversation on Fifa 12 into the histroy of tampons. 

Remember you can download BritToid directly or subscribe on iTunes and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter.

About The Author
Hollie Bennett
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