Live show: Saturday Morning Hangover does it live

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[Tune in to Saturday Morning Hangover every Saturday at 10am Pacific for the latest Xbox Live Indie Games, co-op play and assorted hijinks. Hosted by Conrad ZimmermanJordan Devore and the lovely Katrina. We have a couch! Come join us live on Destructoid’s channel!]

Yep — one of those mornings. Join myself, Jordan, and Katrina as we play the latest Xbox Live Indie Games at the loss of our sanity. We do it for your enjoyment, ’cause we love you.

During the second half of our show, we’ll be playing a mysterious Xbox Live Arcade title — so mysterious not even we know what it is yet — and talk about what went down at gamescom. Also, there will be a cat involved, which is always a plus.



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Conrad Zimmerman
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