Move support for Heavy Rain hits September 22

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PlayStation Move is officially on store shelves next Sunday, September 19, although if you’re lucky you can buy one right now. Heavy Rain is on store shelves as I write this, but if you want to play it with Move, you’ll have to wait until September 22. Sony has announced that it will be releasing a free patch to update Heavy Rain for Move on that day; just boot up your game and the patch will automatically apply itself, provided you’re online.

I’ve had some extended hand-on time with Heavy Rain Move, and my initial impressions haven’t changed much — I like it better with the motion controller. But if you’re not sold on it yet, try it yourself — there’s going to be a demo hitting the PlayStation Store on September 28. It will feature two levels — “Sleazy Place” and “Crime Scene” — and will feature full Move support.

Heavy Rain was actually originally developed with motion control support in mind, so David Cage of the game’s developer Quantic Dream told me in a conversation we had earlier this year. Perhaps this was the Heavy Rain that was always meant to be. Was there anyone holding out for Move controls before trying it out?

Heavy Rain on PlayStation Move Comes 9/22 [PlayStation Blog]

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Nick Chester
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