Nintendo DLC: A Shantae sequel… also, baby animals

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Anyone with any brains and gaming decency knows exactly what they should be doing this week — buying WayForward’s Shantae sequel. It’s out this week, and it’s only twelve bucks. Don’t screw around… buy it!

My second choice would be Learning with the PooYoos: Episode 3, because I was such a huge fan of the first two episodes. Yeah, it’s designed for children ages 3 to 6 (and for those who can’t read), but it’s got baby animals teaching you about numbers, letters, shapes, and colors. How can you pass that up!?!


  • Shantae: Risky’s Revenge (WayForward, 1 Player, 1200 DSi Points)
  • Rummikub  (Games Factory Online, 1-4 Players, 800 DSi Points)


  • Racers Islands – Crazy Racers (ZALLAG, 1-4 Players, 1000 Wii Points)
  • Learning with the PooYoos: Episode 3 (Lexis Numerique, 1 Player, 500 Wii Points)

Virtual Console

  • Fatal Fury 3: Road to the Final Victory (Neo Geo, D4 Enterprise, 1-2 Players, 900 Wii Points)

Seriously, though, Shantae: Risky’s Revenge. Come on. Do it. You’re going to do it, right?

About The Author
Nick Chester
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