Fake Game Friday: It’s your turn.

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So, here’s the deal. Since today is Friday, there would typically be an in-depth description of an imaginary game in this very spot. But this week, instead of a game writeup, this article will highlight something that has been mentioned in the other Fake Game Friday articles but never responded to: Unpretentious attempt at increasing reader involvement or lazy excuse to get others to do my work for me? You be the judge.Basically, if you’ve ever had a great idea for a game and just wished it could actually get made, now’s the time to share it. Each week, we’ll take all the submitted entries and pick one out of the bunch. That entry will get its own Fake Game Friday writeup, complete with gameplay descriptions, tips on how to play it, and–of course–quality Photoshopped pictures made by the Destructoid staff, for you, to simulate a screenshot from your dream game.If interested, send an email to reverendanthony@gmail.com, post a comment to this post, or, ideally, post in this thread. At the end of each week you’ll be notified as to whether or not you won, and your game will have its own writeup the following week. Hopefully, this’ll catch on: we’ve been hoping to make Destructoid more reader-interactive, and user submissions are a great step in that direction.Have at it!

About The Author
Anthony Burch
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