NYCC: Trivia from last night’s Final Fantasy XIII-2 party

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We had a great time last night at the New York Comic-Con Final Fantasy XIII-2 party, hosted by Square Enix in cooperation with Machinima and Destructoid. It was held at Tonic Bar in Times Square, where fans and show attendees packed it in for free drinks and a little post show relaxation. A lot of cool folks showed up to hang out, including Isamu Kamikokuryo, Final Fantasy XIII-2‘s art director. Champagne flowed, people laughed, we argued about which Final Fantasy was best [It’s Final Fantasy VIII, by the way], and I met some great people — a really nice night.

There was Final Fantasy XIII trivia contest during the event. Fans were picked out of the crowd to answer some pretty tough questions, and the winners were presented with some good prizes. As a series fan, found that I was hanging in there with most of the first questions, but I was completely out of the running with some of the later ones. 

I’ve listed all the trivia questions we used last night here. See how well you would have done. Also be sure to check out our photos from the event.


Final Fantasy XIII-2 Trivia – Round 1


Final Fantasy XIII implemented the fast-paced ATB system. What does ATB stand for?

  • All-Terrain Battle
  • Active Task Barrier
  • Ancillary Terraform Boss
  • Active Time Battle

What is the name for the 3-ally Paradigm that features the roles Commando, Ravager, and Sentinel?

  • Delta Attack
  • Consolidation
  • Aggression
  • Tireless Charge

Bartholomew Estheim, father of protagonist Hope Estheim, resides where on Cocoon?

  • Nautilus
  • Bodhum
  • Palumpolum
  • Lake Bresha

Defeating which Cie’th Stone mark will reward you with the Growth Egg?

  • Gelatitan
  • Neochu
  • Adamantortoise
  • Gigantuar

Which of the following correctly pairs the protagonist with their acquired Eidolon?

  • Snow – Brynhildr
  • Lightning – Shiva
  • Hope – Odin
  • Vanille – Hecatoncheir



TIE BREAKER: Which component is the most expensive to purchase from a store?

  • Trapezohedron
  • Adamantite
  • Dark Matter
  • Scarletite


Final Fantasy XIII-2 Trivia – Round 2


What is the real name of protagonist Lightning?

  • Claire Farron
  • Carrie Fallon
  • Casey Fannon
  • Cassie Farwen

The 34th Cie’th Stone hunt mission sends you to defeat a Zenobia, but in actuality you end up fighting which classic FF monster?

  • Ochu
  • Cactuar
  • Malboro
  • Tonberry

What is the name for the 2-ally Paradigm that features the roles Saboteur and Medic?

  • War & Peace
  • Sap & Salve
  • Tide Turner
  • Yin & Yang

Snow assembled and leads a small paramilitary operation known as NORA, which is an acronym for what?

  • New Order to Rebel and Attack
  • Never Object, Resist or Antagonize
  • No Obligations, Rules or Authority
  • New Organization for the Rise of Abraxas

In Chapter 5 in the Gapra Whitewood, Lightning gives Hope what kind of weapon?

  • Sword
  • Knife
  • Boomerang
  • Staff


TIE BREAKER: Which character can unlock the exclusive Commando ability Highwind?

  • Lightning
  • Snow
  • Sazh
  • Fang


Final Fantasy XIII-2 Trivia – Round 3


At the conclusion of Chapter 2, Lightning and company must do battle with a fal’Cie named _____.

  • Anima
  • Quetzacotl
  • Barthandelus
  • Orphan

Each main protagonist defaults with 3 primary roles and 3 secondary roles. Which character’s primary roles include Ravager, Synergist, and Medic?

  • Sazh
  • Hope
  • Vanille
  • Fang

Every character has an ultimate weapon. Which one belongs to Snow?

  • Omega Weapon
  • Total Eclipses
  • Save the Queen
  • Nirvana

The 64th and final Cie’th Stone hunt mission sends you to defeat which enemy mark?

  • Raktavija
  • Vercingetorix
  • Juggernaut
  • Penanggalan

Complete the quote by Sazh: “You think you die an’ everything’ll be…”

  • Peaches and Cream
  • Cookies and Milk
  • Sugar and Rainbows
  • Puppies and Candycanes


TIE BREAKER:  Which of the following appears, in Cocoon’s alphabet, on the sign above the entrance to the bar in Bodhum?


Final Fantasy XIII-2 Trivia – Round 4


Which of the following is one of Shiva’s Gestalt attacks?


  • Centrifugal Sweep
  • Razor Gale
  • Chopper Spin
  • Wheelie


Which of the following is NOT a Ravager ability?

  • Army of One
  • Cold Blood
  • Last Resort
  • Sovereign Fist

Which status ailment disables the target’s spellcasting abilities?

  • Pain
  • Fog
  • Curse
  • Imperil

In which region does the party first encounter a Cie’th Stone?

  • Taejin’s Tower
  • Oerba
  • The Sunleth Waterscape
  • The Archylte Steppe

Which Paradigm role does Lightning develop LEAST efficiently?

  • Sentinel
  • Medic
  • Saboteur
  • Synergist


TIE BREAKER: Passing all of the Titan’s Trials will earn you which trophy/achievement?

  • Galuf’s Grail
  • L’Cie Paragon
  • Natural Selector
  • Pulsian Pioneer


About The Author
Dale North
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