if you’ve got kids to buy for this holiday season, Nielsen’s latest data will make shopping easy. Get ’em something Apple, as that’s all they really want. It turns out that the iPad is the most desired device among kids age 6-12 this season, with 44 percent listing it on this year’s wish list. That’s funny, as no parents I know would buy their 6-12 year old a $500 super-breakable tablet. Sorry, kids! What’s next on your list?
Nielsen says that right under all of the other iOS devices and a computer (?!) you’ll find the 3DS (25 percent) and Kinect (23 percent) as the next most popular pick for the kiddies. 3DS? That’s do-able, right?
It’s a tight year for Americans, so if you have to go even lower on the list the DS/DSi still ranks pretty high. It outranks the PS3 and Wii!
Buying for kids 13 and older? Guess what? The iPad is still the top pick, with 24 percent of teens asking for one. They’re looking for a computer or e-reader (both 18 percent), but the iPad is a better deal as covers all of that ground.
iPads all around!
Find some nifty infographic action after the jump.