So here’s the scoop. There is a free dating sim for PC called Hatoful Boyfriend. You play as a school girl who dates pigeons… I think.
I haven’t been able to get the game running on my PC yet, so I can’t be sure, but here is what tipster hipster and Katamari t-shirt designer Linzb0t has to say about the game”…basically you are a human lady attending an all bird academy. There are a variety of birds there you can woo, including your best friend; a rock dove, your math teacher; a quail, the stuck up class representative, a fan tailed pigeon etc. It’s your basic dating sim. You go to school every day and can choose to attend music class, math class, gym and the library and at these places you’ll find specific birds that you can develop a relationship with. Also when you first meet each birds, they show up with a cliche sexy anime dude splash screen. It’s really silly.“
If you want to try the game out, you can get it and the English patch here. Linzb0t also told me about a game where you play as a school girl who spends a lot of time with an Alpaca that is also a school girl (video embedded below). If anyone can explain what’s going on there, I’d greatly appreciate it.