A Boy and His Blob launch trai… so cute!

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When was the last time you watched a game trailer and smiled from the sheer joy of it all. Been a while, right? Well, go ahead and check out the “launch” trailer for A Boy and His Blob from WayForward and be prepared to smile like you’re five and you just got one of those Ninja Turtle popcicles witht he bubble gum eyes from the ice cream truck. The game doesn’t actually launch until October, but we’re fine with being reminded of just how impressive the Wii platformer looks.

In case you hadn’t noticed we’ve spent plenty of time with the game, and from that time with it we can tell you that… awwwww, look at them hug. Oh sorry, I’m easily distracted by adorable. Seriously, puppies are a major issue in my everyday life. Where was I? Right, we’ve got some time with A Boy and His Blob and we’ve really… and he’s bouncing on the boy’s belly! So precious!

Damn it! Sorry, won’t happen aga… look at all the other blobs! They’re all adorable! Ahhh, screw it. I’m going to go find some puppies to hug and kittens to play with. 

About The Author
Matthew Razak
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