Not-Harvest Moon 2
Story of Seasons, also known as that one Harvest Moon game that isn’t actually Harvest Moon, is getting a sequel in Japan this year. Like the original, Story of Seasons: Good Friends of Three Villages is a 3DS exclusive farming simulator that tasks players with managing a farm while creating a life for themselves in a quaint rural community.
As the name would imply, Good Friends of Three Villages offers three distinct towns to be explored. Each village features its own culture and, of course, different potential spouses. Because while Story of Seasons markets itself as a farming sim, we all know getting married to the cutest anime boy is the real object of the game.
Story of Seasons: Good Friends of Three Villages hasn’t been announced for an American release quite yet, but given the success of the original game I’d be surprised if it didn’t come west eventually.
【先出し週刊ファミ通】『牧場物語』シリーズ生誕20周年!3つの里で新しい出会いを楽しもう(2016年1月14日発売号) [Famitsu via Gematsu]