Adventure games not dead?

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Every time I think the adventure genre is done for good, some sly developer comes out of nowhere and throws a title in the mix like a greasy boomerang. The latest offering of this type is Hotel Dusk for the DS, and I’d say it does the past offerings of it’s kind proud (although you’ll have to wait until our review of it this week to be 100% sure).

All chatter aside, it seems I’m not the only one deep in hope that the adventure genre is not dead. Gamasutra’s Scott Nixon offers some excellent thoughts on the topic in his latest article about Nintendo’s contributions (or lack thereof) to the adventure game and the possible uses of the Wiimote in such titles. While it’s probably too much to expect Maniac Mansion Universe replete with remote waving tentacle options, it is a breath of fresh air to see more quirky titles like Cooking Mama catching fire stateside.

The truth of the matter is, the Wii and the DS both have the capacity to provide an ideal new stomping ground for the adventure game. Whether or not they will be used for such is anyone’s guess, but the murmurs of approval in the gaming community seem to suggest that more unique titles would be something a lot of people would be interested in buying. With some genres oversaturated to the point of nausea, it’s an ideal time to bring in something to challenge players and get them thinking.

I think it’s safe to say Sony will likely stay out of the picture on this one. At one time I would have said the same of Microsoft, but seeing titles like Assassin’s Creed and Bioshock on the 360 have made me think twice. Sure, they aren’t traditional adventure titles, but they certainly have a twist that a lot of other titles lack. If we can’t hope for balls out adventure titles from our next gen systems, I’d at least like to see the sparkle of innovation in the titles that do release.

If I ramble on I may be at risk of being dragged away and locked up to protect the innocent, but I ask you this: Do you give a rat’s ass about the adventure genre? Do you think it has any hope of seeing the light of day again? Or were the eighties the only time when games about mad scientists and witty British starships could possibly survive? 

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Colette Bennett
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