Adventure games rejoice: Syberia coming to the DS!

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Syberia was one of the last PC games that I think of in my mind as the “adventure” genre, and I enjoyed it slowly, kind of stretching out the experience as to prolong my enjoyment of it. Mindscape actually made my day by announcing that the game will be ported to the Nintendo DS, thanks to Microids and Tetraedge.

The game will be a direct port, but Mindscape confirmed that touch screen functionality will be added for puzzles and such, in addition to simplifying the inventory system and giving the menus a little touchup. In case you aren’t familiar with the game, here is a snippet from Nintendic on the world of Syberia:

In Syberia, a title based on the graphic novels of Frenchman Benoit Sokal, players are thrust into a surrealistic European world where nothing is what it seems. The protagonist, Kate Walker, is sent there from New York, on a routine job to Valadilene to arrange for the purchase of the Voralberg Toy Factory. However, she soon discovers that the lady she is meant to meet to seal the deal is dead, while her long-lost brother (presumed dead) is very much alive. The game follows Walker’s search for Hans Voralberg, now her only hope of unravelling the mystery of his sister’s passing.

Part of me is excited and twirling my recently-removed pants round the room like a lasso, but another part of me remembers that Myst DS suffered from its transition to the DS, making notes hard to read and just overall diminishing the beauty of the original PC title. I can only hope Syberia won’t suffer from similar shrinkage issues. The game is slated to come out in Europe in October of this year, so perhaps if all the PC adventure fans close their eyes and wish hard, the US will see it soon afterwards.

Check out Gamespot if you want to see screenshots of the original PC title. As soon as shots of the DS port become available, we’ll serve em up with a side of bacon.

[Via Nintendic — Thanks, Jonathan]

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Colette Bennett
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