Adventures in Sex City teaches sex … the hard way

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Adventures in Sex City is a game made by the Middlesex-London Health Unit and it couldn’t have come at a better time! Many teenagers have nothing better to do than f*ck each other, and the last thing we want is for them to start breeding. Luckily, this new game will teach them how to do it safely, and educate about STDs (or STIs if you’re politically correct).

You can choose from a variety of characters including Princess Vag and Captain Condom, as they fight against the evil Sperminator. The Sperminator has two giant penises for hands, which is why we had to censor the above header image. Captain Condom is also the worst superhero ever. Part man, part sheath, this man has dedicated his entire life to handing out free condoms. What a waste of a super power. 

Anyway, the game is a missed opportunity, as it quickly devolves into little more than a question/answer session. With a bit more gameplay, this could have been something superb. I’ve always said that there aren’t enough penis-handed villains in games. That, and more talk about the vulva and/or anus. 

[Via Rock, Paper, Shotgun]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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