Ain’t no objections: Phoenix Wright for Wiiware

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Raised in a family of real-life defense attorneys, I’ve been interested in seeing how Capcom could take something as serious as law and transform it into a game. While I’m not that interested in buying them for the DS, I am certainly interested in checking them out when Capcom re-releases the first three Phoenix Wright games for WiiWare, at 1000 points each next Spring.

Those expecting something new from these ports are going to be disappointed. Other than the trademark “Objection!” pose you can make with the Wiimote (as opposed to yelling “objection” into a mic), sounds coming from the controller’s speaker, and multiple save slots, that’s all you’re going to get that is different. These are straight up ports of the DS titles, but considering the price, it’s not a bad deal. Hands on? It’s Phoenix Wright, so you’ll be dealing with all sorts of court room antics. While the lack of touchscreen options will irk somebody somewhere, normal people will not notice or care.

Sure, we can bitch about the lack of new content, massivly pixilated graphics, equally massive borders due to different screen ratios, and the odd fact that Capcom is releasing the DS exclusive mission from the first game as DLC at 100 Nintendo points. However, when you consider that you’ll be able to get all three of the original Phoenix Wright games for $31, it really doesn’t seem so bad. Expect the first Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney in January, Justice for All in March, and Trials and Tribulations in May. Fans of Apollo Justice, tough poopie, as it looks like Capcom has not decided to port that game to WiiWare. Maybe if this does well, Capcom can make a proper Ace Attorney game for a console in the future.

[Update: See picture of myself rocking the best Objection! you’ve ever seen]

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Ben Perlee
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