The nature of this post will undoubtedly raise awareness of BlazBlue: Continuum Shift‘s existence on the torrent sites, which is a bummer, no question. But Aksys Games’ anti-piracy parody video doesn’t have enough views for the amount of work that went into its production. You can see my dilemma.
The staff at Aksys knows how to have a good time during work hours, and I don’t think anyone can appreciate how important that is more than the rowdy bunch of characters responsible for this blog you are currently reading.
Sometimes, you need to take a break from the more serious topics like piracy and remember “holy crap, we are talking about videogames.” Our childhood selves would want us to do so with passion and excitement instead of sucking the fun out until only the cold hard facts are left.
In other words, bring out the anime pillows!
Aksys Games Sees What You Did There (and they don’t like it) [matty125’s C-blog]