Well, it took until almost the end of the day (VALVE TIME!), but we’ve finally been told what the Administrator is going to do about this “friendship” between the demoman and the soldier, and it turns out that she’s one crafty bitch.
She’s commissioned Saxton Hale to make an exclusive, one of a kind weapon, but only one class is going to get it. How is she determining the winner? By adding up the number of times each guy kills his buddy and awarding the most murderous “friend” with a shiny new toy.
After a week, if soldiers have more kills globally against demomen, they’re getting the mystery weapon. If it’s the other way around, the demomen will get it.
Other than that, the rest of the update will be normal. Both classes will be receiving 3 new weapons, we’ll get some new maps, and hopefully see another “Meet The ____” video. In addition, a small update is available for the game itself that changes the splash screen to reflect the war, and adds a kill counter to the top of your screen if you’re playing as a solider or a demoman to show your contribution to the war effort.
My guess? Regardless of which side wins, the weapon will be the same, and I’m betting it’s the swordfish the Soldier and Demoman were seen enjoying earlier in the comic.
To keep track of the kill counts, head on over to the official War homepage.
(PS. Demomen suck.)
[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]
Published: Dec 10, 2009 10:00 pm