Aliens: Colonial Marines to answer fans’ movie questions

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Watched Aliens? Got questions? Please consult Aliens: Colonial Marines for further information, as Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford has promised that answers will be found within the game. 

“You’ll explore the cargo bay and you’ll see the milky trail from Bishop’s ripped-in-half body, and his legs,” said Randers in OPM. “The dropship that Bishop piloted — that Ripley, Hicks and Newt all escaped on, you’ll ride that. That’s still there in the hangar.

“What’s interesting is it’s fiction, and sometimes the fiction actually has some mutually exclusive ‘facts.’ We’ve identified some of those and taken them to [20th Century Fox] and been like ‘can we come up with something that makes sense? … what happened to Burke? What happened to Hudson? They’re there, somewhere. They’re all fun play spaces that you get to visit after these events unfolded.”

Wait a minute … what is the dropship that Ripley, Newt and Bishop escaped on doing on LV-426? Are they going to answer that question, because if I recall correctly, the ship landed on a prison colony in Alien 3 and hilariously KILLED Newt and Hicks. 

Aliens: Colonial Marines – huge info blowout [SystemLink Multi]

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James Stephanie Sterling
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