Gotta Catch ‘Em All
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom features an even bigger version of Hyrule than its predecessor, filled to the brim with weapons, armor, and other items to collect. However, there are some items in the game that can only be unlocked with specific Zelda amiibo. There are a total of 26 amiibo figures from the series, most of which provide unique rewards in Tears of the Kingdom.
Here’s what we know about what the amiibo rewards in Tears of the Kingdom. First up, the ones with the coolest glider fabrics.

Zelda amiibo and what they reward in Tears of the Kingdom
Every amiibo gives some sort of prize in Tears of the Kingdom, but only figures from the Zelda series give special rewards. The amiibo from other franchises will give a small assortment of food/ingredients and nothing more.
Every Zelda franchise amiibo provides a number of food, ingredients, and/or other assorted items, plus special items unique to the individual amiibo. Many Zelda amiibo come with a fabric design for Link’s glider, and others come with outfits that you can wear in the game. Many of the amiibo have the same rewards as they did in Breath of the Wild, with the exception of the glider fabrics that are new in Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom Link amiibo
The new Tears of the Kingdom Link amiibo that was released alongside the game will reward players with the Champion’s Leathers Fabric in the picture above. The fabric is designed to look like the clothing that amiibo Link is wearing.
The new amiibo will also regularly provide food/ingredients and random weapons.

8-Bit Link amiibo
The 8-Bit Link amiibo rewards players with one of the coolest fabrics in the game, the Pixel Fabric. The fabric bears pixel Link’s resemblance, so you can see him everywhere you glide. Pixel Link will ensure you’re traveling Hyrule in style.
8-Bit Link also provides assorted items such as swords and food.

Wind Waker Zelda amiibo
The toon Zelda amiibo from Windwaker will give players the Bygone-Royal Fabric that, complete with blonde hair, looks like toon Zelda in glider form. It’s perhaps the best option for Zelda fans in the game.
Toon Zelda also typically gives players flower ingredients and precious stones.

Breath of the Wild Guardian amiibo
The impressively sized guardian amiibo from Breath of the Wild rewards players with the Ancient-Sheikah Fabric that will watch you as you glide throughout the game. Relive Breath of the Wild by having that unblinking eye stare at you once again.
Unfortunately, the other items are usually underwhelming, with low-level swords/shields and random arrows in large metal boxes typical. There is a small chance of higher-level weapons appearing in these chests.

Twilight Princess Wolf Link amiibo
The Wolf Link amiibo from Twilight Princess is one of the coolest Zelda amiibo available, and its glider fabric lives up to its reputation. The Mirror of Twilight Fabric is a multicolored design that looks incredibly stylish. Pictures like the one above don’t really do it justice.
Wolf Link also regularly provides a whole bundle of meat that can be cooked into steak for some high-healing food.
The rest of the pack
Those are five of the standout glider fabrics available in Tears of the Kingdom, but there are plenty more available depending on the Zelda amiibo you own. Here’s what other amiibo from the franchise drop based on our findings so far.
Link – Ocarina of Time
- Glider Fabric
- Outfit
- Assorted food items
Link – Majora’s Mask
- Glider Fabric
- Outfit
- Assorted food items
Toon Link – Wind Waker
- King of Red Lions Glider Fabric
- Outfit
- Assorted food items
Link – Skyward Sword
- Glider Fabric
- Outfit
- Assorted food items
Bokoblin – Breath of the Wild
- Glider Fabric
- Outfit
- Assorted food items
Link Archer – Breath of the Wild
- Bows and Arrows
- Assorted food items
Link Rider – Breath of the Wild
- Assorted food items
Daruk – Breath of the Wild
- Weapons/Armor
- Assorted food items
Mipha – Breath of the Wild
- Weapons/Armor
- Assorted food items
Revali – Breath of the Wild
- Weapons/Armor
- Assorted food items
Urbosa – Breath of the Wild
- Weapons/Armor
- Assorted food items
Zelda – Breath of the Wild
- Precious stones
- Assorted food items
Zelda and Loftwing – Skyward Sword
- Precious stones
- Assorted food items
Link – Twilight Princess HD
- Epona
- Outfit
- Assorted food items
Link – Link’s Awakening
- Outfit
- Assorted food items
Zelda – Smash Bros
- Precious stones
- Assorted food items
Young Link – Smash Bros
- Assorted food items
Toon Link – Smash Bros
- Assorted food items
Sheik – Smash Bros
- Sheik Fabric (glider)
- Assorted food items
Link – Smash Bros
- Assorted food items
Ganondorf – Smash Bros
- Weapons
- Assorted food items
Published: May 16, 2023 10:45 am