If you want to fight a Manticore, you’ve got to go on a little scavenger hunt first. Here’s how to find all the Artifacts in Ark Ascended: Scorched Earth.
All Artifact Locations in Ark Survival Ascended: Scorched Earth
So, Ark Ascended: Scorched Earth has three Artifacts. And getting them is no easy task! We’ll tackle the easiest and most approachable Artifact first: the Artifact of the Destroyer in the Ruins of Nosti.
How to find the Artifact of the Destroyer in Ark Ascended: Scorched Earth
To get to the Ruins of Nosti, head to the coordinates 78.3, 76.1. These coordinates will take you to the largest building out in the desert ruins. And inside of this building will be a grand set of stairs leading you deep into the earth.

Before you dive in, it’s worth noting that there are plenty of things that want to kill you in this cave. Primarily Mantises, Titanboas, Arthropluera, and Onyc. Be prepared to get swarmed. And it’s not a bad idea to have a Lesser Antidote on hand in case you contract Mega Rabies.
Once you’re suited up, head downstairs. Follow the blue flowers, then the yellow flowers, down the path. When you’ve reached the bottom of the stairs, you’ll encounter some large crystals and, finally, our first fork. It doesn’t matter what path you choose. They both lead to the same point. The left path will get you there faster, but the right path is prettier.

You’ll then reach the main chamber, which is massive and full of crystals. Jump across the broken stone bridge to reach the ruins in the back of the chamber. There’s really only one place to go now, and it’s a small back chamber containing the floating Artifact and the Scorched Sword Skin. We’re one third of the way there!

How to find the Artifact of the Gatekeeper in Ark Ascended: Scorched Earth
The Artifact of the Gatekeeper will take us to the Old Tunnels cave, located at the coordinates 58.9, 47.8. There are two ways to get to this cave. The easiest way is to use a flying mount to get above the cave near the cracks just above it. Drop down, and you’re home free.

But it’s also possible to reach this cave from the river entrance at 55.9, 51.3. Just remember to take the first left at the fork and follow the trail uphill. This will give you a vantage point to grapple your way across.

The Old Tunnels cave is difficult not only because it has swarms of enemies, but because it’s very vertical. Having a Grappling Hook will make your life much easier. There’s also a chance you’ll encounter a Rock Elemental in one of the chokes, so having grenades on hand isn’t a bad idea either.
To actually get to the Artifact, you’ll need to follow the trail downhill. When you reach the first fork in the road, the choice you make doesn’t matter. The green path on the right will take you to a slightly lower area of the next chamber, while the lit path on the left will take you to a slightly higher area. You can easily access both levels, so you’re not missing out on anything. Follow the path left, going deeper into the cave. When you reach the giant blue alien obelisk, turn right. You’ll see the path right below the path you used to get here.

Follow this path and you’ll find yourself at the second fork. Take the left path if you want to get to your objective as fast as possible. Otherwise, take the right path if you want a lootbox. I found a blueprint for a Flare Gun and two cooked meat in mine.

Continue down the left path until you reach the drop. Here, you’ll need to make a jump across to the island with the tree on it. This is where the grappling hook or a flying mount come in handy. Cross the chasm, then follow the trail.

Eventually, you’ll reach a stone arch about halfway down. It’s here that the Artifact of the Gatekeeper is nestled. Interact with it to get the Artifact, along with the Scorched Spike Skin.

How to find the Artifact of the Crag in Ark Ascended: Scorched Earth
I find this cave to be the hardest to find. Head to coordinate 28, 29.2, and you should see the entrance while looking southwest toward the cliff wall. It’s totally possible you’ll stumble across this cave naturally if you’re checking out the best metal farm in Scorched Earth, however.

Head inside the cave and follow the trail that snakes down on the right side. You’ll quickly stumble across water, which makes this cave one of the better bases. Follow the stream, and you’ll reach a new corridor, marked with blue mushrooms. Take this corridor, then follow it until you reach a giant ribcage. Here will be your first fork. It doesn’t matter which path you take, but the left path will get you there faster.

Keep left, and you’ll eventually reach the last chamber which will contain the Artifact of the Crag and the Scorched Torch Skin. And that’s all three artifacts! Now, you just need a variety of talons, which can be harvested by killing wyverns. Or, if you’re not done spelunking, you can check out the rest of the caves in Scorched Earth. Including a brand new lava cave!
Published: Apr 5, 2024 07:05 am