Assassin’s Creed Mirage goes back to the franchise’s roots by placing a heavy focus on stealth gameplay. You have several options when it comes to evading your foes. It’s possible to blend into crowds, leap over rooftops, or get some distance between you and pursuing guards.
You’re also given access to six stealth tools to help you outsmart your opponents. They’re not all available at first, but as you play you can unlock more tools. With this Assassin’s Creed Mirage guide, you’ll learn all the tools you can unlock and how to obtain them.

How to unlock tools in Assassin’s Creed Mirage
You’ll get your first two tools early on, so don’t worry about that. The rest, you’ll be able to unlock after becoming a member of the Hidden Ones. After assassinating the slaver, you’ll be able to unlock more tools.
Simply visit the Assassin Bureau where you unlock an additional tool. Following this, you can unlock and upgrade the rest of the tools through the Trickster skill tree.

All Assassin’s Creed Mirage stealth tools
The stealth tools aren’t always available, and you’ll have to use them sparingly. They’re also very situational, and you’ll have to think deeply about which tools are ideal in which situations. Here are all the tools that you can unlock:
1. Torch
The torch is the first tool you’ll receive, and it’s a mighty useful one. When you’re sneaking around, you’ll sometimes find yourself in dark areas. If you can’t find your way, pulling out your torch will give you a little light.
2. Throwing Knives
The throwing knives are also received very early on, so don’t stress yourself out trying to find them. They’re very useful for gaining access to tricky areas and for dealing stealth kills from a distance.
3. Smoke Bombs
Smoke bombs are one of your most useful stealth tools to use. They’ll obscure the vision of your opponents, allowing you to creep up for a stealth kill.
4. Blowdarts
With blowdarts, you can knock enemies out while you hide in the bushes. It is initially non-lethal but with sufficient upgrades, you can deliver poison with your darts.
5. Noisemakers
Usually, when trying to remain undetected, you want to create as little noise as possible. Sometimes, loud sounds can be useful to distract enemies. You can do this with noisemakers, which are also great at getting all your foes in one place before an attack.
6. Traps
You can also unlock traps. Plant them around, and when they’re discovered by foes, they’ll emit a gas cloud that knocks them out. That leaves you with the perfect opportunity to assassinate them.
Sometimes, you won’t be able to stealthily achieve your goals. In such situations, you’ll have to resort to combat, which means pulling out your knives and daggers.
Published: Oct 17, 2023 07:52 am