All Bosses in Lies of P — All Bosses guide

Lies of P(retty) cool bosses

All Lies of P Bosses

To some, boss fights are what make the Soulslike formula so fun. Lies of P is full of boss encounters, with 25 bosses in total. Each boss requires a unique strategy to take them down and acquire their specialized loot. This guide lists all bosses in Lies of P as well as a brief description of the encounter so you know what to expect! All bosses are in chronological order based on when you will encounter them. Here is our guide for all bosses in Lies of P.

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All bosses in Lies of P in order

Here are all of the bosses in Lies of P, listed in order:

  • Parade Master – Krat Central Station Plaza
  • Mad Donkey – Alchemist Bridge
  • Scrapped Watchman – Krat City Hall Courtyard
  • Survivor (Optional Boss) – Workshop Union Culvert
  • Puppet of the Future (Optional Boss) – Workshop Union Culvert
  • King’s Flame, Fuoco – Center of Venigini Works
  • The Atoned – Moonlight Town Cable Railway
  • Fallen Archbishop Andreus – Archbishop’s Altar
  • Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood – Malum District Town Hall
  • The White Lady (Optional Boss) – Rosa Isabelle Street
  • Mad Clown Puppet (Optional Boss) – Rosa Isabelle Street
  • King of Puppets – Estella Opera House Stage
  • Champion Victor – Grand Exhibition Gallery
  • Owl Doctor (Optional Boss) – Barren Swamp
  • Green Monster of the Swamp and Puppet-Devouring Green Monster – Barren Swamp
  • Robber Weasel – Krat Central Station Platform
  • Walker of Illusions – Collapsed Workshop Tower
  • Corrupted Parade Master – Cersani Alley
  • Black Rabbit Brotherhood – Relic of Trismegistus Combat Field
  • Door Guardian – Arche Abbey Entrance
  • Black Cat (Optional Boss) – Arche Abbey
  • Laxasia, The Complete – Ascension Bridge
  • Red Fox – Arche Abbey Upper Area
  • Simon Manus, Arm of God and Simon Manus, Awakened God – Arche Abbey Cradle of the Gods
  • The Nameless Puppet (Secret Boss) – Under the Abyss

In total there are six optional bosses in Lies of P: Survivor, Puppet of the Future, The White Lady, Mad Clown Puppet, Owl Doctor, and Black Cat. There is also a single secret boss which is technically optional, which is The Nameless Puppet. We’ve put together the strategy required to fight each boss below including the optional bosses.

Parade Master

The Parade Master is the first boss in Lies of P and was available in the demo. He is a giant mechanical puppet with a cage on his back that later becomes part of his weapon. He’s a relatively easy boss, which is understandable since he is the first one. Once you learn to properly Perfect Guard you can easily defeat the Parade Master.

Mad Donkey

The Mad Donkey is humanoid and not mechanical. You’ll encounter him second on your way to find Gepetto. As long as you dodge his long-range saw-blade attack you can easily sidestep behind him and execute a backstab. Do this a few times and you will beat the Mad Donkey.

Scrapped Watchman

The Scrapped Watchman is the third boss you will encounter and was the final boss in the demo. He’s a giant mechanical spider whose head is that of a police puppet. The Scrapped Watchman has two phases, and in the second phase, he electrifies his attacks and attacks faster. You can summon a Specter to join you in this fight by interacting with the fountain before entering the door. The Specter isn’t required, but definitely makes the fight easier as it will sometimes aggro the boss and tank it for you.

Survivor (Optional Boss)

The Survivor encounter is the first optional boss you will come across. He’s a humanoid just like the Mad Donkey, and honestly, this encounter is similar to the Mad Donkey fight as well. You want to focus on Dodging rather than Parrying and dealing backstab damage when possible.

Puppet of the Future (Optional Boss)

The Puppet of the Future is a massive mechanical puppet with two giant wrecking balls for hands. Despite his size, this is actually a pretty easy optional encounter. The Puppet of the Future is very slow so you can focus on hitting one of his legs. Hit him a couple of times, then dodge out and regenerate your stamina while he’s slowly trying to attack where you were. If you manage to Stagger him, perform a Fatal Strike and he will quickly fall.

King’s Flame, Fuoco

The King’s Flame, Fuoco, is the toughest boss fight you will encounter thus far. The mechanical puppet is a giant furnace with a hammer for melee attacks and a hand cannon to damage you from afar. What makes Fuoco even trickier is that most of his attacks often have delayed timings, making it hard to rely on telegraphed dodges and iFrames. You can summon a Specter for this encounter, but it will die very quickly. The key to this encounter is to be patient and methodical. Dodge often and understand this will be a marathon, not a sprint. There are two phases in total. In the second phase, he will place a massive pool of fire on the ground. If you get caught in the pool of fire you will more than likely die, so make sure you immediately hide when you see him starting this attack.

The Atoned

This is another easy humanoid encounter. For The Atoned, you pretty much just want to dodge his attacks and get behind him to deal backstab and Fatal Strike damage.

Fallen Archbishop Andreus

The Fallen Archbishop Andreus is a massive abomination with two phases. You can summon a Specter before this fight to join you in the encounter, which you will want to do. The Specter has a beefier health pool than previous Specters and can tank most of this boss fight for you.

Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood

Prepare for an unfair fight. The Eldest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood will be your toughest encounter by far. You essentially have to fight four enemies in a row. To help even the odds, make sure you summon a Specter beforehand to join you in this encounter. In the first phase, you want to be patient and hit the boss one or two times then jump back and retreat. Eventually, the second of the Brotherhood will join the fight. Thankfully she is easily stunned and then you can backstab her. In Phase 2 the Spearman of the Brotherhood will join the fight. You want to do the same thing here—get behind him and backstab for massive damage. In the final phase, a Swordsman will join the encounter. At this point, I recommend focusing on the final boss and finishing the fight before the Swordsman becomes much of a threat.

The White Lady (Optional Boss)

The White Lady is a humanoid encounter that is insanely agile. As per usual with the humanoid fights, you want to Dodge rather than Block and get behind her and backstab. If you wait for her to do her charged lunge attack, you have a bigger opportunity to get behind her and backstab accordingly.

Mad Clown Puppet (Optional Boss)

This creepy-looking big boy, the Mad Clown Puppet, is no pushover. He has a massive metal fist that deals some hefty damage when he connects. He also has the help of some grenade-chucking puppets. You want to kill them all when you start the boss fight as it’s near impossible to focus on the Mad Clown Puppet while they are still up. Once you have eliminated all the other puppets, it’s time to take him on. He attacks very quickly, and all of his attacks have a wide hitbox. The only way to take on the Mad Clown Puppet is successful Fatal Strikes. Make sure you land some successful Perfect Guards and then follow up with a Fatal Strike. In terms of all optional bosses in Lies of P, this one may be the toughest.

King of Puppets

The King of Puppets is another challenging encounter. The armored puppet has two giant arms. Thankfully this encounter has a Specter you can summon, that serves as a useful tank. You will want to do this. In his first phase, just shift around his legs taking a shot or two after each of his attacks. Once he starts charging up to do his shockwave attack, run away. Afterward, run back in and repeat. In Phase 2 you fight his real form, Romeo. You can Perfect Guard most of his attacks, so I’d recommend doing so or simply being patient and backing out after each attack or two.

Champion Victor

Unfortunately, there are not many easy encounters the rest of the way, and the Champion Victor is certainly not easy. Once again, summon the Specter for this encounter. Make sure Champion Victor is focusing on the Specter and begin hitting him from behind. You can even Stagger and Fatal Strike him. In Phase 2 you want to be a little more patient and jump in and out hitting him only a few times before backing out again.

Owl Doctor (Optional Boss)

The Owl Doctor is optional but an extremely easy encounter. He’s almost identical to the Mad Donkey. Just skirt around him and pull off your backstab when you can and he will soon fall.

Green Monster of the Swamp and Puppet-Devouring Green Monster

The Green Monster of the Swamp is as challenging as the Champion Victor. First, make sure you summon the Specter for this encounter. In Phase 1 you want to stay close to him to prevent Decay build up from his piercing attacks. Once he focuses his attacks on the Specter, you want to hit him from behind. In Phase 2he’s more armored and deadly, twisting around and slashing viciously. This is a really challenging encounter. It’s best to be patient for this fight, only taking a hit or two at the Puppet-Devouring Green Monster when you can then backing out and waiting for the next opportunity. Of all bosses in Lies of P, this is one of the more challenging ones.

Robber Weasel

So the Robber Weasel is humanoid which means? You guessed it—a pretty easy fight. Dodge around behind him and try to get some backstabs in and he will quickly fall.

Walker of Illusions

The Walker of Illusions attacks very quickly. It’s hard to properly Parry her attacks, but if you can do so, you can Perfect Guard followed by a Stagger and Fatal Strike. At the halfway point she will spawn an add that you want to focus down, then get back on the Walker of Illusions. Focus on nailing the Perfect Guard and this becomes a pretty easy encounter.

Corrupted Parade Master

The Corrupted Parade Master is the same boss you fought at the beginning of Lies of P, except now he has Decay attacks. Dodge the new Decay—essentially vomit—and focus on the boss. When the add spawns, focus on the boss and ignore the minion.

Black Rabbit Brotherhood

This is a pretty tough fight, but it’s a rematch of the earlier Black Rabbit Brotherhood encounter. As always, make sure you summon a Specter.

Door Guardian

A pretty easy encounter this late in Lies of P. Focus on the Door Guardian’s leg while carefully dodging his hard-hitting attacks. Once you hit his leg enough he will get Staggered allowing for a Fatal Strike. You then rinse and repeat until the Door Guardian falls.

Black Cat (Optional Boss)

You can skip the Black Cat completely by giving it a piece of Gold Coin Fruit. If you choose not to, it’s an extremely easy encounter. You can easily Perfect Guard and follow up with a devastating Fatal Strike on the Black Cat.

Laxasia, The Complete

Laxasia, The Complete is a huge armored puppet with a massive electric-infused sword. There are two phases to this encounter. In Phase 1, her attacks are long and drawn out. Just be patient and dodge around, poking in when her attack animations end and doing an attack or two, and getting back out. In Phase 2 she speeds up, infused with electricity. You will want to Perfect Guard her lightning bolts to deamassive damage back to her. Rinse and repeat and Laxasia will fall.

Red Fox

The Red Fox is similar to the Robber Weasel, and therefore an easy humanoid fight. As per usual, dodge around to her backside and focus on backstabbing.

Simon Manus, Arm of God and Simon Manus, Awakened God

Simon Manus is technically the final boss in Lies of P, and while challenging, is not the hardest encounter. In Phase 1 you want to be patient and attack only after his attack animation, taking a hit or two. The first phase is very similar to Laxasia’s first phase, actually. In Phase 2 Simon Manus becomes the Awakened God. Now his attacks deal Disruption. If the Disruption bar fills completely, you will die. Therefore, it’s imperative you Perfect Guard them. Otherwise this is a pretty easy encounter!

The Nameless Puppet (Secret Boss)

The Nameless Puppet is a secret boss. If you give Gepetto the heart, you will not encounter The Nameless Puppet. However, if you do not, you will have to take on the Nameless Puppet. Honestly this fight is easier than the previous one. All of his attacks are telegraphed in Phase 1, making it easy to dodge and Perfect Guard. When he breaks down, spam your attacks and even do Charge Attacks. In Phase 2 his moves are completely different and he attacks must faster. He’s way too fast to Perfect Guard and Stagger, so you just want to focus on dodging and taking a hit or two when you can. I wouldn’t even bother doing Charged Attacks in this phase—he’s simply too fast.

That is all bosses in Lies of P, and you should now be prepared to take them all down!

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Steven Mills
Staff Writer - Steven has been writing in some capacity for over a decade now. He has a passion for story focused RPG's like the Final Fantasy franchise and ARPG's like Diablo and Path of Exile. But really, he's willing to try anything.
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