What’s included in the Dark Arts pack?
For those looking at purchasing the Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition bundle, you might be wondering what’s included in the Dark Arts pack. While the deluxe edition doesn’t come with an expansion pack or any other form of post-launch content, it does come with a bit of day-one DLC for you to enjoy. This includes the Dark Arts cosmetic set, which makes your character look properly intimidating should you wish to go in a more overtly diabolical direction with your cosmetic loadout, and an exclusive Thestral mount, which you can use once you’ve unlocked the default in-game Hippogriff mount.
What is the Hogwarts Legacy Dark Arts battle arena?
For those seeking a bit more than just a few new skins, you also have your fair share of additional in-game content via the Dark Arts battle arena. You’ll easily find this hidden away in the Forbidden Forest once you’ve progressed far enough through the main campaign. After all, only the most foolish witch or wizard would dare enter the Forbidden Forest unprepared. Many dangerous things abound in those woods, and even an accomplished practitioner would do well to remain wary at all times.
Players will be able to pit themselves against dark wizards and other powerful opponents in the Dark Arts battle arena. Putting your magic to the test in arena combat is definitely a great way to farm some much-needed experience if that’s what you’re after, so don’t overlook what these arenas have to offer. That said, In terms of content output, the digital deluxe edition offers at least some content to appeal to hardcore fans, but overall not all that much compared to what is normally expected from a digital deluxe edition for a AAA game. The world of Hogwarts Legacy might indeed be magical, but the quality of the deluxe edition available to us muggles remains steadfastly anything but.