There are 10 Mysterium locations in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, each potentially offering a healthy amount of Hero Tokens as your reward. The final location, however, won’t unlock until you complete the first nine.
Mysterium locations won’t unlock in the open world until you finish the main story mission, ‘Master Illusionist’. Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, has apparently gone straight and enlists Spider-Man’s help to test his Mysteriums — what he believes to be the future of entertainment.
Naturally, as it goes with Mysterio, things are not all they seem. The Mysteriums are going haywire, trapping people within their misty confines. As Miles (these aren’t available as Peter, but he does have his own challenges), you need to complete each Mysterium challenge and rescue the trapped victim.
There are three tiers you can reach: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Completing the Gold challenge awards two Hero Tokens and 400 XP and the tiers below; Silver awards one Hero Token and 300 XP and the tier below; and Bronze awards only one Hero Token and 200 XP. Getting the Gold tier awards a maximum of four Hero Tokens and 900 XP.
Completing a Mysterium also awards in a Mysterium Dev Diary. These audio files provide you with a little bit of background information on how the Mysteriums were devised and the difficulties its supporters faced. The entire story comes together once you have all 10.

Spider-Man 2: All Mysterium challenges and locations
Grave Decision
Goal: Don’t get hit.
- Gold: 0 hits taken
- Silver: Fewer than three hits taken
- Bronze: More than three hits taken
The instructions for Grave Decision are easy enough. You need to avoid damage as much as humanly possible against three rounds of enemies. There are enemies with guns who need to be taken out quickly.
Location: Williamsburg (central).

Road Rage
Goal: Don’t Get Hit.
- Gold: 0 hits taken
- Silver: Fewer than three hits taken
- Bronze: More than three hits taken
Just like before, you need to defeat enemies without taking hits. In Road Rage, you must beat 20 enemies in an arena made up of broken, floating chunks of street.
Location: Williamsburg (west).

Punch Your Ticket
Goal: Defeat Brutes.
- Gold: Finish in 2 minutes or less
- Silver: Finish in 3 minutes, 20 seconds or less
- Bronze: Finish in more than 3 minutes, 20 seconds
Brutes are tanky, damage-sponge enemies who don’t go down without a real fight. And in this challenge, you need to beat six of them. Punch Your Ticket is a tough challenge, and not just due to how hard it is to take down Brutes quickly. You also need to contend with trains that occasionally speed through the area. You can use the trains to your advantage, taking out well-placed enemies.
Location: Downtown Queens (southeast).

Fight On Time
Goal: Use Finishers on enemies.
- Gold: Finish in less than 3.5 minutes
- Silver: Finish in less than 5 minutes
- Bronze: Finish in more than 5 minutes
Fight On Time is easy until it isn’t. The objective is to defeat six enemies using finishers. After the first two, you’re transported to an arena where you must avoid a massive laser beam firing out of a nearby clock tower. Stay aware of where the laser is pointing. Either swing or super-jump to another area and keep fighting. Finish within a certain amount of time for your reward.
Location: Chinatown (northwest).

The Invisible Enemy
Goal: Use Finishers on enemies.
- Gold: Finish in less than 2 minutes, 10 seconds
- Silver: Finish in less than 2 minutes, 40 seconds
- Bronze: Finish in more than 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Same as before, use Finishers to defeat six enemies. But there’s another twist! After taking down three foes, you’re taken to a new area where enemies are invisible except when they’re being attacked.
Here’s a hot tip: The enemies are invisible, but their shadows are not. Watch the ground for the shadows of enemies closing in, and use Web-Strike (triangle button) to get close to gun-toting enemies who are at a distance. Miles will still zip to foes even if you can’t see them.
Location: Midtown (north).

Prison Break
Goal: Defeat all enemies.
- Gold: Finish in less than 2 minutes, 15 seconds
- Silver: Finish in less than 2 minutes, 45 seconds
- Bronze: Finish in more than 2 minutes, 45 seconds
Defeat 20 enemies to win. It really doesn’t get complicated until you get warped to a new area (after beating four enemies) and have to contend with a digital Mysterio floating around. He shields all enemies, making them immune to damage. Use your Web-Strike to get to Mysterio and take him out quickly as he appears.
Location: Upper East Side (southeast).

Everyone’s a Critic
Goal: Defeat all enemies.
- Gold: Finish in less than 1 minute, 45 seconds
- Silver: Finish in less than 2 minutes, 15 seconds
- Bronze: Finish in more than 2 minutes, 15 seconds
You must beat 30 enemies to win. The twist for Everyone’s a Critic, though, shows up after you defeat eight enemies. Once that happens, you’ll be transported to a new arena where a symbol appears at your feet and follows you around. Once it fills in, Mysterio’s fist appears from the ground dishing out heavy damage. The fist can defeat multiple enemies at once if you time it properly.
Location: Central Park (east).

Fear of Heights
Goal: Defeat all enemies.
- Gold: Finish in less than 1 minute, 30 seconds
- Silver: Finish in less than 2 minutes, 15 seconds
- Bronze: Finish in more than 2 minutes, 15 seconds
The only way to win is to knock 15 enemies off the ledge. I suggest you swap your abilities to Venom powers and use Venom Punch and Venom Dash to do the job.
Location: Downtown Brooklyn.

Under Construction
Goal: Defeat all enemies.
- Gold: Finish in less than 1 minute
- Silver: Finish in less than 1 minute, 30 seconds
- Bronze: Finish in more than 1 minute, 30 seconds
You need to beat 20 enemies as fast as possible. After you beat 10 enemies, the area fills with poisonous gas, causing damage over time. Use your Focus bar to heal while trying to avoid enemy gunfire. My suggestion would be to use Venom abilities to knock enemies off the arena, rather than wear down their health.
Location: Harlem (east).

How to beat the last Mysterium – Grand Finale and rewards in Spider-Man 2
The mission ‘Grand Finale’, and the last of the Mysterium locations, won’t unlock in Spider-Man 2 until you complete the previous nine. You must return to Coney Island in Downtown Brooklyn and enter the ride that set you on this weird, twisted journey in the first place.

There are no Tiers in Grand Finale. It’s a boss battle featuring multiple phases against standard enemies and Mysterio(?). In the first phase, defeat all the enemies in the location. Mysterio will appear and open up a new path to follow via swinging. The next arena is a boss battle against Mysterio. Use Web-Strike (triangle button) to get in close and dish out damage. Keep it up until you, erm, win.

But it’s a trick! Miles is left running in an infinite loop after his victory. The only way to rescue yourself? Oh, you just turn around and go in the other direction. It seems like Mysterio is off his game.
Phase two begins shortly after you deciphered the staggering enigma. Mysterio has made multiple copies of himself. Use the Web-Strike to get close and take them out one by one. The last Mysterio remaining moves to a distant Ferris Wheel shooting lasers. Web-swing toward it while avoiding the beams and hit the triangle button once you see the prompt.

Rewards for completing Grand Finale
After finishing the Grand Finale, you earn four Hero Tokens, 500 Tech Parts, 2,000 XP, and unlock the ‘Behind the Masks’ trophy. You also get a new suit for Miles, the ‘Smoke and Mirrors Suit’, which lets you cosplay as Mysterio. It’s pretty cool.

Published: Nov 6, 2023 12:26 pm